Club culture – and the music we play and dance to – does not exist in a vacuum. It was and continues to be pioneered by people from queer, BIPOC and other marginalised communities. We see dance music as an agent of social change. We are committed to supporting our community via fundraising for grassroots iniatives fighting for our rights, health and freedom.

GLADT is an organization of black, indigenous and persons of color lesbians, gays, bisexuals, Trans*, Inter* and queers in Berlin. GLADT is involved on different levels against racism, sexism, trans- and homophobia, ableism, and other forms of discrimination. A special focus of their work is on the topics of multiple discrimination and intersectionality, meaning the overlap and interactions of different forms of discrimination and their specific resulting experiences.


TGEU (Trans Europe and Central Asia) is a trans-led nonprofit for the rights and wellbeing of trans people in Europe and Central Asia.
They strive to represent the diverse needs of their members within human rights mechanisms, build the capacity and skills of their members to meet the needs of local communities, and develop intersectional and decolonised programmes to build more resilient and connected trans movements.


Queerdom is an open youth leisure facility. It is aimed at people between  the ages of 14 and 21 and offers space for young people who identify as queer or LGBT*I*, for those who are not yet sure or who simply celebrate the diversity of people. The facility offers open activities, which means that young people have many opportunities to participate in the design and decision-making process.


The emergency pooled fund for the oPt, the oPt Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF), is primarily aligned to support the delivery of strategic humanitarian response identified under Humanitarian Response Plan while retaining the flexibility to allocate funds to unforeseen events or special requirements. The fund is driving funding to needs-based priority sectors and geographic areas.


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Casa Kuà is self-organised by trans* and non binary BIPoCs to make health more accessible to other trans*, inter*, non binary and queer people,  and especially for those affected by racism. The aim of Casa Kuà is to bring traditional and conventional medical treatments together, as well as communities, centring the needs and wishes of BIPoC trans* people.


LesMigraS was officially founded in 1999 and is part of the Lesbian Counselling Center in Berlin. They offer counselling for Lesbians, Bisexual women, Trans*, Inter*, Non-Binary and Queer people, free of charge and confidentially. They also offer workshops, events and groups dealing with structural barriers and state violence.


The ELSC is the first and only independent organisation defending and empowering the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe through legal means. They provide free legal advice and assistance to associations, human rights NGOs, groups and individuals advocating for Palestinian rights in mainland Europe and Britain.


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Lambda offers nationwide counseling for young LGBTIQ people. Through youth meetings and workshops, they make it easier for young queers to get to know each other and exchange ideas. They also advocate for the interests of young LGBTIQ people politically at federal and state level.